Covid and the Symposium.
International Wolf Symposium 2022

International Wolf Symposium 2022

October 13-16

Regina Mossotti

Wildlife Biologist and Director of Animal Care and Conservation, Endangered Wolf Center

Regina Mossotti, a wolf biologist, has worked on carnivore conservation for over 16 years, both in situ and ex situ, from Yellowstone, to California, to the Endangered Wolf Center in St. Louis. She has been a leader in wolf conservation, from helping develop the Pup Foster Program for the Mexican Wolf Program, to helping lead the AZA’s American Red Wolf SAFE and SSP programs. She currently sits on the National Recovery Team for red wolves and works with wolf conservation efforts and partners around the country.

Panelist: “So, You Want to Work with Wolves…! – Student/Mentor Session”

Regina Mossotti
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