Call for Papers & Posters
The Symposium Program Committee is now accepting abstracts for 15-minute oral presentations and posters pertaining to the theme “Wolves in a Changing World.” Categories for oral presentations and posters, as well as suggested topics in parentheses, include but are not limited to:
- World Status Review (Regional status updates, Expanding distributions, Colonization areas, Where else can wolves live?)
- Conflict Management (Livestock, Ungulate management, Human safety, Effects of non-lethal and lethal actions on efficacy of abatement and demographic/behavioral responses by wolves)
- Wolf Management & Policy (U.S. Endangered Species Act update, National Park Service [Isle Royale, Yellowstone, etc.], U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service [ex: red wolf, Mexican gray wolf, gray wolf], Balancing management when both predator and prey are species at risk, Types of information relevant to administrators at the state/provincial/local levels, Climate change, Harvest management, Emerging technologies, Role of First Nations in wolf monitoring and recovery)
- Recovery Updates (North America: Gray wolves and Pacific Coast states, Colorado update, Mexican wolf update, Red wolf update, Isle Royale update and Eurasia updates)
- Education (Important points/messaging, Portraying unsettled science topics, Move toward virtual programming and delivery, Regional focus such as information sharing between organizations in Europe/U.S./Canada/Asia, Promoting wolf education through: literature, art, photography, videography and social media)
- Wolf Ecology, Behavior & Genetics (Genetics and taxonomy updates, Parasites [endo and ecto], Wolf-Prey interactions, Diseases, Behavior, Survival, Seasonal shifts in diet, Characteristics of populations, Trophic cascades, Interactions with other carnivores)
- Wolf-Human Interactions (Habitat selection in anthropogenically modified systems, Prey competition, Harvest impacts on wolf populations, Wolf removal impacts in buffers surrounding protected areas, Preserving and maintaining wildlands, Hunting and trapping, Habituation and bold behaviors)
- Other
Submit an abstract for an oral presentation.
Submit an abstract for a poster presentation.
Download the Poster Guidelines.
The deadline for submission of all abstracts is April 29, 2022. All applicants will be notified by June 15, 2022 if your submission has been accepted or not. If you have any questions, contact Debbie Hinchcliffe. If your abstract for an oral presentation or a poster is accepted, you will receive an email with guidelines for your oral presentation/PowerPoint or the construction of your poster.